Ian Michael Thomas

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Playing in the Tub

Ian had playtime in the bath tonight. He can sit up by himself (with Mom & Dad's hands nearby) and splash around with his toys. We'll be doing this more and more often.

Visiting Aunt Sandi

Ian went to Visit his Aunt Sandi at her office today. He loved all the attention from the ladies at Source International. He'll definitely come back anytime!

Ian playing with Denise and Deanna.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Finding his balance...

Ian can sit up and balance himself now. He still gets excited and falls backwards sometimes. Its amazing how he just figures all this stuff out!

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Ian's First Swing

It was a beautiful day today, so Ian and his mom went for a walk. His buddy Brady was outside playing and Ian had to stop by for a quick swing.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Sittin' Pretty!

Ian can sit up for a few seconds using his arms to prop up. Then its either a nose dive or a gentle roll over to the side. He is getting better everyday!!!

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Great Friends!

The Byrdwell's came over for dinner so Brady and Ian got to hang out again. They had a good time watching Veggie Tales and playing cars

Sunday, February 06, 2005

A Toothy Smile!

Look closely folks...you can see the two bottom teeth!!!
(Click on the picture to make it larger)

Rebecca & Brian visit from Memphis

Rebecca & Brian Hurt (college friends of Mom & Dad's) came to see Baby Ian this weekend. They drove all the way from Memphis and got lots of smiles from the little guy. Ian did a lot of flirting with Rebecca!

Friday, February 04, 2005

Ian's First Baby Food - Carrots!!

After becoming a champion cereal eater, Ian decided to give baby food a try. We started with carrots at lunch today. He was a good sport and didn't spit too much of it out!! We think squash is next.